Interviews & Videos
Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence
In a series of interviews, Holger Bartel from the independent rating agency RealRate answers questions about disability insurance and the RealRate survey. All for the benefit of customers, because financial strength secures its future surplus participation:
At the EAA Conference on May 12, 2022, European actuaries discussed Data Science & Data Ethics. Prof. Kraft (Coburg University) and Holger Bartel (RealRate Inc.) contributed with their novel approach to fair and explainable company ratings. We showcased our most recent rating of all German life insurers.
Our video on Explainable AI Insurance Ratings can be seen here!
Here you will find the scientific foundations on which the RealRate evaluation model is based. The paper “Causal Analysis with Neural Networks” presents the artificial intelligence methods we have developed and used. The work on “Simple Solvency” includes an early version of our expert system for the financial strength of German life insurers:
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