RealRate to Feature at the new DAA Website Sessions

RealRate is proud to announce that our CEO, Holger Bartel, will lecture at the upcoming new DAA Web Sessions


DAA Web Session: Profit testing in life insurance companies and applications based on an Excel tool

The event forms the basis for practical activities in product development and profit testing. The topics are treated in theory and practice and used by the participants based on an Excel tool.


To register please visit:

Date: 12-13 November 2024, 9am-5pm

Lecturer: Dr. Holger Bartel


RealRate brings to the market a rating system that is truly independent and fair.

We have expert knowledge and use innovative artificial intelligence to compute the Economic Capital Ratio figure.

We are unbiased and work only with audited public data. We are not only fair but also explainable and have no conflicts of interest.

RealRate: revolutionizing the ratings industry one rating at a time.


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