The results for RealRate’s 2024 ranking for the U.S. Brokerage industry are in and are ranked, as ever, by financial strength!
The Top 10 Brokerage companies are as follows:
The top 3 Brokerage companies in order are Abrdn Gold ETF Trust, Spdr Gold Trust, and Goldman Sachs Physical Gold ETF.
They had Economic Capital Ratio figures of 248%, 245%, and 236%, respectively.
All 3 companies did well due to strong Current Liabilities variables. These increased the companies’ Economic Capital Ratio scores by 33, 33, and 32 percentage points, respectively.
Abrdn Gold ETF Trust moved up a huge 28 places from last year to take the top spot this year. Similarly, Spdr Gold Trust moved up 39 places to take 2nd and Goldman Sachs Physical Gold ETF moved up 31 places to take 3rd. A massive congratulations to all!
From a total of 47 Brokerage companies, 11 received our sought after ‘Top-Rated’ award.
The next 10 Brokerage companies are as follows:
The U.S. brokerage industry is absolutely huge.
The market size of the securities brokering industry in 2023 was $188 billion.
It has grown by 2.6% on average in the last 5 years and the market is expected to increase by over 6% during 2023.
The remarkable thing about the brokerage industry is that the market size in the US has increased faster than the economy overall.
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