The Strongest U.S. Real Estate Companies: Rated by RealRate’s Astounding Artificial Intelligence



We have been very productive at RealRate Headquarters and our incredible AI has computed the ranking for the best Real Estate companies in the United States for 2023.

The results, which are sorted by financial strength, are below.


The Top 10 Real Estate companies are as follows:



The top 3 companies in order are DiVall Insured Income Properties 2, AEI Income & Growth Fund 26 LLC, and AEI Income & Growth Fund XXI. They have Economic Capital Ratio figures of 1,503%, 1,406%, and 488% respectively.

All 3 companies did well due to their strong Net Income scores.

DiVall Insured Income Properties 2 consolidated its 1st place position in 2022 after being 4th in 2021. AEI Income & Growth Fund 26 LLC moved up an impressive 8 places from 10th last time out to 2nd this year. It had already climbed 19 positions from 30 to 11 in 2022. There was an improvement too for AEI Income & Growth Fund XXI, which moved from 6th last year to 3rd this time around.

From a total of 37 companies, 9 received our ‘Top Rated’ award.






The next 10 companies in the ranking are as follows:



The U.S. Real Estate industry is a $3.69 trillion industry and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2% from 2022 to 2030. The industry is rebounding very well following the Covid pandemic.

Also, the internet has increased customers’ knowledge and awareness of online real estate services, thus driving the industry forward and upward.

The impressive thing we do at RealRate is to deliver utterly fair and independent company ratings, bringing together expert knowledge and innovative artificial intelligence in one package. Our AI model computes the all-important Economic Capital Ratio figure.

Looking at our model in more detail, one can see it is very much unbiased and only uses audited public data. We are not part of any real estate company. We are fair, explain ourselves very well and we also avoid any all-important conflicts of interest.


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