2024 Ratings Coming Soon!

RealRate is excited to announce that the new 2024 ratings are coming very soon!

The first industry that will be rollingoff the production line will be U.S. Finance Services, so watch this space!

Last year’s ranking of 48 companies can be found here:


Last year, the top three Financial Services companies in the U.S., measured by Economic Capital Ratio, were as follows:

  2. NETCAPITAL INC – 264%
  3. COHEN STEERS INC – 248%

Let’s see what this year has in store for all the companies in the ranking.

The impressive thing we do at RealRate is to deliver utterly fair and independent company ratings, bringing together expert knowledge and innovative artificial intelligence in one package.

We are fair, explain ourselves very well and we also avoid any all-important conflicts of interest.


Photo source: https://openai.com/dall-e-3/