Our customer, Bayerische Life Insurance, published its top result in the RealRate life insurance ranking: at the end of 2022, both Bayerische life insurers received top ratings from RealRate GmbH in the assessment of their financial strength.
BL die Bayerische Lebensversicherung AG also ranked an excellent second in RealRate’s Disability Insurance rating.
Dr. Holger Bartel, CEO RealRate: “High market returns and profitable products in the insurance portfolio are the essential requirements for high surplus participation in disability insurance. Bayerische particularly fulfills this requirement due to its extremely high product profitability. It occupies second place in the RealRate ranking. We, therefore, expect high and stable surplus participation for Bayerische’s disability customers.”
The press release, as well as RealRate’s ranking, are available here:
https://www.presseportal.de/pm/36847/5474284 (in German)
https://realrate.ai – The first AI rating agency
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