Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

The Best U.S. Chemical Companies: Sorted by RealRate’s Groundbreaking AI

RealRate has finished its experiments and found the best chemical firms in the United States, [...]

Sankey Diagrams

I really love these Sankey diagrams applied to income statements! It is so important to [...]

Unicorn Companies

It seems that unicorns are one rare species that are not being threatened with extinction. [...]

Predictions for Artificial Intelligence

What experts predict for 2023. Being interested in AI, I spotted this: „Artificial intelligence will [...]

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

What Do Experts in AI Expect for the Future?   AI is getting smarter at [...]

Progress of Artificial Intelligence

Lots of scientific progress was made last year.   This was achieved in the areas [...]

The Best U.S. Brokers: Sorted by RealRate’s Incredible Artificial Intelligence

RealRate has looked at the best brokers in the United States and sorted them in [...]

RealRate featured in

RealRate is very proud to announce that we have been mentioned in an article on [...]

The Strongest U.S. Air Companies: Ranked by RealRate’s Groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence

Fasten your seatbelts and stow all tray tables to their upright positions. The 2022 RealRate [...]

GGW Startup Pitch & Networking

RealRate’s CEO Dr. Holger Bartel has been featured in GGW Startup Pitch & Networking weekly [...]