The Best German Disability Insurers: Ranked by Artificial Intelligence

Below is an overview of the German disability insurance market and we’ve found a very unique way of looking at the data.


RealRate’s 2021 ranking for German disability insurance can be seen below. The results are a little more clear cut than in the previous year.

Deutsche Ärzteversicherung top the rankings in 1st position by under half a percentage point from Entis Leben. Nürnberger Leben are in 3rd spot, just under a percentage point further back.


The top 15 German disability insurers for 2021 are as follows:




Looking behind the data, we see that the greatest strength of Deutsche Ärzteversicherung, compared to the market average, is its size of Future Passport. vt. Surpluses, which increases the net underwriting interest rate by 2.88 percentage points.


The main strength of Entis Life compared to the market average is its size Risk and Remainder result, which increases the actuarial net interest by 2.2 percentage points.


Deutsche Ärzteversicherung consolidated their top ranking from 2020, Entis Leben and Nürnberger both climbed the charts by 2 and a massive 20 places respectively.


Congratulations to all companies in the Top 15, all of whom were “Top Rated” by RealRate.


The next 15 companies are as follows:



Disability insurance in Germany is one that essentially replaces part of your monthly income in case a disability arises that means you cannot work.


There are differing types of policies which differ in cost and overall coverage but it’s usually about 1-3% of your annual salary.


Over 8 million people in Germany currently have such a policy.


The guys over at RealRate might just be onto something. They offer fair, independent ratings, which in this market is a very important thing indeed.


They are experts in their field and this knowledge, combined with the cutting edge AI that they’re bringing to the table, completes a very exciting package. It’s this AI model that calculates the important Economic Capital Ratio figure.


This AI is absolutely unbiased and it uses only audited public data. RealRate are fair, explainable and the key thing here is that they avoid any conflicts of interest, too.


It’s very exciting indeed. Congratulations RealRate, keep up the good work!


Main photo by Marcus Aurelius from Pexels:

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