2011 US Programming

Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

Top rated2 of 11
Best rating392 %
Worst rating118 %
New companies8
Negative Economic Capital Ratio

Cognizant Technology Solutions CORP climbed -1 positions from 2 to 3 due to its excellent Revenues.Verisign INC CA lost 8 positions from 3 to 11 due to its bad Liabilities, Non-Current.Match Group Inc entered the 2011 ranking at rank 1, making it the best newcomer.

Revenues39.8 B
Assets77.3 B
Expenses31.9 B
Stockholders Equity60.5 B
Unprofitable Companies
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend
1Match Group Inc391.68%0.0
2Google INC361.81%-1.0
3Cognizant Technology Solutions CORP333.01%-1.0
4IHS Inc.285.39%0.0
5RED HAT INC262.25%0.0
6Internap Corp223.87%0.0
7Rackspace Hosting INC201.55%0.0
8Earthlink Holdings LLC164.93%0.0
9United Online INC147.80%0.0
10Solera Holdings INC139.50%0.0
11Verisign INC CA117.63%-8.0
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend

Feature Distribution Plot

The Feature Distribution shows the main industry variables and the distribution of their impact on financial strength. The more important a variable, the broader the distribution. As the effects are calculated relative to the industry average, half of the companies have a positive effect (green) and half have a negative effect (red). 

Regression Plot

The Regression compares the forecasted company valuation with the observed stock market values. A positive correlation suggests that the model effectively explains market prices.

Feature Importance

United States Ratings

German Insurance Ratings