2012 US Advertising

Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

Top rated4 of 17
Best rating376 %
Worst rating-6,367 %
New companies14
Negative Economic Capital Ratio8 of 17

Conversant INC climbed -2 positions from 1 to 3 due to its excellent Net Income.Interpublic Group Of Companies INC lost 6 positions from 3 to 9 due to its bad Liabilities, Current.China Yida Holding Co entered the 2012 ranking at rank 1, making it the best newcomer.

Revenues25.4 B
Assets43.8 B
Expenses24.7 B
Stockholders Equity18.6 B
Unprofitable Companies10 of 17

RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend
1China Yida Holding Co376.27%0.0
2Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings Inc347.80%0.0
3Conversant INC291.37%-2.0
4Nzch Corp249.86%0.0
6Meet Group Inc193.61%0.0
7Omnicom Group INC147.15%-5.0
8Reachlocal Inc94.37%0.0
9Interpublic Group Of Companies INC77.58%-6.0
10Stagwell Inc-27.34%0.0
11National Cinemedia Inc-56.37%0.0
12Inuvo Inc-451.84%0.0
13Network Cn INC-615.28%0.0
14Zenovia Digital Exchange Corp-749.38%0.0
15Izea Worldwide Inc-1126.56%0.0
16DNA Brands INC-1511.63%0.0
17Adaptive Medias Inc-6366.94%0.0
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend

Feature Distribution Plot

Regression Plot

United States Ratings

German Insurance Ratings