2013 US Advertising

Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

Top rated5 of 23
Best rating318 %
Worst rating-3,388 %
New companies9
Negative Economic Capital Ratio13 of 23

TRAVELZOO climbed 3 positions from 5 to 2 due to its excellent Net Income.Adaptive Medias Inc lost 6 positions from 17 to 23 due to its bad Net Income.Lendway INC entered the 2013 ranking at rank 4, making it the best newcomer.

Revenues26.5 B
Assets45.7 B
Expenses24.8 B
Stockholders Equity19.4 B
Unprofitable Companies16 of 23

RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend
1Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings Inc317.64%1.0
3Conversant INC306.55%0.0
4Lendway INC256.47%0.0
5Millennial Media Inc251.39%0.0
6China Yida Holding Co246.65%-5.0
7Omnicom Group INC163.55%0.0
8Nzch Corp146.85%-4.0
9Reachlocal Inc114.77%-1.0
10Interpublic Group Of Companies INC64.76%-1.0
11National Cinemedia LLC-50.66%0.0
12National Cinemedia Inc-63.19%-1.0
13Angie S List Inc-304.46%0.0
14Network Cn INC-410.88%-1.0
15Zenovia Digital Exchange Corp-493.57%-1.0
16Salon Media Group INC-631.19%0.0
17Potash America INC-834.61%0.0
18DNA Brands INC-1304.11%-2.0
19Izea Worldwide Inc-1350.79%-4.0
20OSL Holdings Inc-2003.52%0.0
21Inolife Technologies INC-2053.41%0.0
22Srax Inc-2437.48%0.0
23Adaptive Medias Inc-3387.96%-6.0
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend

Feature Distribution Plot

Regression Plot

United States Ratings

German Insurance Ratings