2013 US Data Processing

Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

Top rated12 of 48
Best rating294 %
Worst rating-505 %
New companies16
Negative Economic Capital Ratio12 of 48

Intersections INC climbed 6 positions from 11 to 5 due to its excellent Revenues.NEW Media Insight Group INC lost 35 positions from 13 to 48 due to its bad Net Income.8X8 INC DE entered the 2013 ranking at rank 1, making it the best newcomer.

Revenues31.0 B
Assets71.6 B
Expenses32.2 B
Stockholders Equity18.9 B
Unprofitable Companies28 of 48
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend
18X8 INC DE293.95%0.0
2AOL Inc.209.20%4.0
3Terawulf INC202.14%-2.0
4Liveramp Holdings Inc166.10%0.0
5Intersections INC163.50%6.0
6ZIX CORP160.62%-4.0
7Max Sound Corp152.17%5.0
8LEAF Group LTD141.34%1.0
9Internet America INC139.93%5.0
10Bankrate Inc136.07%0.0
11Homeaway INC136.00%-3.0
12Shutterstock Inc128.02%0.0
13SOHU COM INC124.61%-10.0
14Trulia INC123.46%0.0
15Sourcefire INC122.57%-5.0
16Zynga INC117.99%0.0
17Lgbtq Loyalty Holdings Inc110.33%0.0
18Brightcove INC97.42%0.0
19Epocrates INC97.01%-2.0
20Pegasystems INC94.88%-4.0
21Ipass INC94.87%-6.0
22Infoblox INC93.55%0.0
23Tucows INC PA64.92%-4.0
24CSG Systems International INC64.63%-4.0
25Repositrak Inc58.83%-4.0
26Looksmart LTD56.12%-21.0
27DST Systems INC55.66%-5.0
28Jive Software Inc49.28%0.0
29Massive Interactive Inc38.22%-5.0
30Automatic DATA Processing INC30.72%-5.0
31Verisk Analytics Inc27.88%-3.0
32Mullen Automotive INC20.76%0.0
33Proofpoint INC16.09%0.0
34Santeon Group INC13.86%-4.0
35Sungard DATA Systems INC5.42%-9.0
36Sungard Capital CORP II5.42%-9.0
37Carbonite Inc-2.50%-14.0
38Chatching Inc-21.23%0.0
39Workday Inc-36.25%0.0
40Data Storage Corp-41.11%-11.0
41QXO Inc.-68.68%-23.0
42China Network Media Inc-124.61%0.0
43Grandparents COM INC-207.87%0.0
44Kitara Media CORP-216.92%0.0
45Rowl Inc-256.46%-13.0
46RJD Green Inc-260.12%-12.0
47Blink Technologies Inc-267.52%-16.0
48NEW Media Insight Group INC-505.38%-35.0
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend

Feature Distribution Plot

The Feature Distribution shows the main industry variables and the distribution of their impact on financial strength. The more important a variable, the broader the distribution. As the effects are calculated relative to the industry average, half of the companies have a positive effect (green) and half have a negative effect (red). 

Regression Plot

The Regression compares the forecasted company valuation with the observed stock market values. A positive correlation suggests that the model effectively explains market prices.

Feature Importance

United States Ratings

German Insurance Ratings