2018 US Programming

Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

Top rated14 of 59
Best rating486 %
Worst rating-751 %
New companies11
Negative Economic Capital Ratio20 of 59

AMJ Global Technology climbed 32 positions from 55 to 23 due to its excellent Assets, Current.Moxian Inc lost 14 positions from 45 to 59 due to its bad Net Income.Oblong Inc entered the 2018 ranking at rank 7, making it the best newcomer.

Revenues188 B
Assets347 B
Expenses162 B
Stockholders Equity271 B
Unprofitable Companies38 of 59
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend
1Actua Corp486.43%9.0
2Innovative Solutions Support INC423.95%1.0
3CEVA INC415.33%-1.0
4Meta Platforms Inc409.74%-3.0
5Match Group Holdings II LLC387.26%3.0
6Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc385.19%-2.0
7Oblong Inc378.78%0.0
8IHS Markit Ltd375.50%-3.0
9Sabre Corp344.93%2.0
10EPAM Systems Inc316.85%-3.0
11Alphabet Inc311.94%-2.0
12Truecar Inc311.49%5.0
13Synchronoss Technologies INC301.49%-7.0
14Healthstream INC292.20%0.0
15Perficient INC282.44%-3.0
16Cognizant Technology Solutions CORP274.59%-3.0
17Twitter INC244.21%5.0
18Rumbleon Inc230.40%-3.0
19Symbolic Logic Inc217.35%2.0
20Computer TASK Group INC216.45%10.0
21Realnetworks INC212.01%7.0
22Tripadvisor Inc205.00%-3.0
23AMJ Global Technology199.77%32.0
24Edgewater Technology INC DE193.99%-6.0
25Snap Inc184.67%0.0
26TSR INC176.38%-6.0
27Callidus Software INC174.22%0.0
28Switch Inc164.64%0.0
29Autoweb Inc155.56%-13.0
30Synacor Inc146.02%4.0
31Factset Research Systems Inc144.32%-5.0
32ZW Data Action Technologies Inc130.62%0.0
33Trubridge Inc122.22%0.0
34GLU Mobile INC118.93%-10.0
35Trade Desk Inc94.51%0.0
36Magnite INC76.70%-7.0
37Grom Social Enterprises Inc68.56%15.0
38Model N INC37.76%-6.0
39Professional Diversity Network Inc9.89%0.0
40Internap Corp-8.42%0.0
41BLUE Sphere CORP-18.21%1.0
42Bright Mountain Media Inc-64.76%-5.0
43Verisign INC CA-70.66%0.0
44Frankly Inc-94.85%0.0
45Aspentech Corp-99.13%-7.0
46GROW Capital INC-147.92%0.0
47Wewards INC-177.40%-1.0
48Blackboxstocks INC-470.00%0.0
49Cicero INC-494.03%5.0
50Bowmo Inc-501.56%0.0
51Nixxy Inc-508.46%-1.0
52Titan Environmental Solutions Inc-537.17%-1.0
53Xsport Global Inc-543.01%3.0
54Visium Technologies INC-549.75%-6.0
55Appyea INC-593.51%3.0
56JACC Studios INC-622.09%-3.0
57Toga Ltd-644.72%0.0
58Phoenix Apps Inc-690.54%0.0
59Moxian Inc-751.00%-14.0
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend

Feature Distribution Plot

The Feature Distribution shows the main industry variables and the distribution of their impact on financial strength. The more important a variable, the broader the distribution. As the effects are calculated relative to the industry average, half of the companies have a positive effect (green) and half have a negative effect (red). 

Regression Plot

The Regression compares the forecasted company valuation with the observed stock market values. A positive correlation suggests that the model effectively explains market prices.

Industry Index

The RealRate Industry Index shows how the financial health of the sector has evolved over time. The evolution of the index is shown for both the median and the distribution of companies. The changes in the index are shown in the lower part.

Feature Importance

United States Ratings

German Insurance Ratings