2018 US Semiconductors

Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

Top rated19 of 77
Best rating527 %
Worst rating-782 %
New companies6
Negative Economic Capital Ratio13 of 77

Oclaro INC climbed 42 positions from 50 to 8 due to its excellent Net Income.Maxlinear INC lost 44 positions from 8 to 52 due to its bad Liabilities, Non-Current.Techpoint Inc entered the 2018 ranking at rank 2, making it the best newcomer.

Revenues187 B
Assets322 B
Expenses161 B
Stockholders Equity222 B
Unprofitable Companies36 of 77
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend
1Skyworks Solutions INC526.73%0.0
2Techpoint Inc516.12%0.0
3IPG Photonics Corp475.71%4.0
4On Semiconductor Connectivity Solutions Inc452.29%0.0
5Ambarella INC450.96%0.0
6Microsemi Corp421.62%5.0
7AXT INC420.03%5.0
8Oclaro INC415.39%42.0
9Intel Corp408.48%5.0
10Semtech Corp402.13%6.0
11Xilinx INC401.17%2.0
12Power Integrations INC400.17%-3.0
13Viavi Solutions INC397.57%8.0
14Isun INC395.55%-4.0
15Applied Optoelectronics INC385.48%12.0
16Emcore Corp375.09%-1.0
17Acacia Communications Inc366.75%-13.0
18Photronics INC362.30%0.0
19Kulicke Soffa Industries INC361.52%0.0
20Marvell Technology Group LTD360.89%24.0
21Xperi Corp356.91%-15.0
22GSI Technology INC339.38%2.0
23CMC Materials Inc317.55%7.0
24Lightpath Technologies INC313.40%4.0
25Wolfspeed INC312.96%-5.0
26Texas Instruments INC311.34%-4.0
27Formfactor INC300.97%13.0
28Aquantia Corp295.22%0.0
29Nvidia Corp286.42%6.0
30Qorvo Inc279.59%2.0
31Integrated Device Technology INC278.83%-2.0
32Mellanox Technologies Ltd275.97%7.0
33First Solar INC261.79%3.0
34Micron Technology INC255.35%18.0
35Finisar Corp255.13%-2.0
36Ultra Clean Holdings Inc241.70%7.0
37Applied Materials INC De238.90%4.0
38Silicon Laboratories INC227.11%-13.0
39Synaptics Inc213.26%3.0
40Rambus INC211.83%-2.0
41Maxim Integrated Products INC211.70%6.0
42Diodes INC DEL204.41%7.0
43Sigma Designs INC203.48%-6.0
44Advanced Micro Devices INC199.49%11.0
45Intermolecular INC169.59%6.0
46On Semiconductor Corp167.33%16.0
47Analog Devices INC165.69%-16.0
48Ichor Holdings LTD161.01%0.0
49Pixelworks INC159.54%17.0
50Cypress Semiconductor Corp De151.12%-4.0
51OSI Systems INC149.44%-6.0
52Maxlinear INC139.64%-44.0
53Amkor Technology INC136.48%3.0
54Cavium INC130.25%6.0
55Adesto Technologies Corp124.21%13.0
56Inphi Corp94.94%0.0
57Neophotonics Corp93.04%-9.0
58Macom Technology Solutions Holdings Inc91.85%-4.0
59Emagin Corp59.91%0.0
60Rubicon Technology Inc52.95%15.0
61Lattice Semiconductor Corp47.33%3.0
62Smart Global Holdings Inc40.90%0.0
63Semileds Corp27.50%10.0
64Magnachip Semiconductor Corp8.99%5.0
65Sunhydrogen INC-58.99%-12.0
66Sunpower Corp-102.11%-1.0
67Quicklogic Corp-112.27%3.0
68Enphase Energy Inc-112.74%3.0
69Atomera Inc-113.06%-8.0
70Peraso Inc-121.59%6.0
71Ideal Power Inc-165.48%6.0
72Everspin Technologies INC-212.90%-5.0
73Resonant Inc-256.37%1.0
74Netlist INC-297.68%-2.0
75Beam Global-364.80%3.0
76Living 3D Holdings INC-392.57%4.0
77Ascent Solar Technologies Inc-781.83%4.0
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend

Feature Distribution Plot

The Feature Distribution shows the main industry variables and the distribution of their impact on financial strength. The more important a variable, the broader the distribution. As the effects are calculated relative to the industry average, half of the companies have a positive effect (green) and half have a negative effect (red). 

Regression Plot

The Regression compares the forecasted company valuation with the observed stock market values. A positive correlation suggests that the model effectively explains market prices.

Feature Importance

United States Ratings

German Insurance Ratings