2019 US Programming

Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

Top rated14 of 57
Best rating407 %
Worst rating-917 %
New companies9
Negative Economic Capital Ratio16 of 57

GLU Mobile INC climbed 11 positions from 34 to 23 due to its excellent Liabilities, Current.Oblong Inc lost 14 positions from 7 to 21 due to its bad Expenses.Leader Capital Holdings Corp entered the 2019 ranking at rank 12, making it the best newcomer.

Revenues235 B
Assets401 B
Expenses187 B
Stockholders Equity310 B
Unprofitable Companies38 of 57
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend
1CEVA INC406.78%2.0
2Meta Platforms Inc402.92%2.0
3Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc384.08%3.0
4Innovative Solutions Support INC376.95%-2.0
5Match Group Holdings II LLC376.32%0.0
6IHS Markit Ltd359.62%2.0
7Sabre Corp343.56%2.0
8EPAM Systems Inc329.42%2.0
9Truecar Inc321.11%3.0
10Alphabet Inc314.95%1.0
11Healthstream INC302.86%3.0
12Leader Capital Holdings Corp296.64%0.0
13Cognizant Technology Solutions CORP286.09%3.0
14Snap Inc268.35%11.0
15Twitter INC257.64%2.0
16Tripadvisor Inc251.32%6.0
17Perficient INC220.09%-2.0
18TSR INC219.29%8.0
19Realnetworks INC207.44%2.0
20Everquote Inc200.29%0.0
21Oblong Inc193.55%-14.0
22Synchronoss Technologies INC181.50%-9.0
23GLU Mobile INC180.84%11.0
24Synacor Inc172.45%6.0
25Zscaler Inc163.78%0.0
26Computer TASK Group INC161.90%-6.0
27Trubridge Inc160.83%6.0
28Switch Inc152.84%0.0
29Eventbrite Inc146.45%0.0
30Factset Research Systems Inc130.74%1.0
31Pluralsight Inc119.29%0.0
32Symbolic Logic Inc112.44%-13.0
33Trade Desk Inc111.96%2.0
34Autoweb Inc96.90%-5.0
35Bright Mountain Media Inc81.83%7.0
36Magnite INC71.85%0.0
37Grom Social Enterprises Inc71.79%0.0
38Momentive Global INC63.35%0.0
39Cardlytics Inc54.39%0.0
40Model N INC44.57%-2.0
41ZW Data Action Technologies Inc29.20%-9.0
42Internap Corp-8.67%-2.0
43Verisign INC CA-103.23%0.0
44Wewards INC-140.19%3.0
45GROW Capital INC-152.99%1.0
46Professional Diversity Network Inc-317.31%-7.0
47Xsport Global Inc-379.43%6.0
48Sysorex Inc-415.90%0.0
49Toga Ltd-485.82%8.0
50Cicero INC-499.40%-1.0
51Blackboxstocks INC-501.40%-3.0
52Titan Environmental Solutions Inc-517.28%0.0
53Bowmo Inc-517.81%-3.0
54Visium Technologies INC-537.35%0.0
55JACC Studios INC-577.42%1.0
56Moxian Inc-609.71%3.0
5712 Retech Corp-917.19%0.0
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend

Feature Distribution Plot

The Feature Distribution shows the main industry variables and the distribution of their impact on financial strength. The more important a variable, the broader the distribution. As the effects are calculated relative to the industry average, half of the companies have a positive effect (green) and half have a negative effect (red). 

Regression Plot

The Regression compares the forecasted company valuation with the observed stock market values. A positive correlation suggests that the model effectively explains market prices.

Industry Index

The RealRate Industry Index shows how the financial health of the sector has evolved over time. The evolution of the index is shown for both the median and the distribution of companies. The changes in the index are shown in the lower part.

Feature Importance

United States Ratings

German Insurance Ratings