2019 US Recreation

Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

Top rated6 of 27
Best rating501 %
Worst rating-3,896 %
New companies5
Negative Economic Capital Ratio12 of 27

Major League Football INC climbed 10 positions from 29 to 19 due to its excellent Liabilities, Current.Rebel Group Inc lost 15 positions from 12 to 27 due to its bad Liabilities, Current.ACRO Biomedical CO LTD entered the 2019 ranking at rank 2, making it the best newcomer.

Revenues82.7 B
Assets129 B
Expenses68.2 B
Stockholders Equity91.4 B
Unprofitable Companies11 of 27
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend
1DKG Capital Inc500.66%0.0
2ACRO Biomedical CO LTD436.76%0.0
3BOWL America INC293.91%1.0
4TWDC Enterprises 18 Corp293.38%-2.0
5VAIL Resorts INC264.87%-2.0
6Parks America INC264.04%1.0
7Dover Motorsports LLC246.24%-2.0
8Madison Square Garden Sports Corp166.26%3.0
9Butler National CORP164.07%-1.0
10Live Nation Entertainment Inc101.22%3.0
11Galaxy Gaming Inc90.77%5.0
12Six Flags Entertainment Corp OLD50.01%3.0
13United Parks Resorts Inc31.03%9.0
14Golden Entertainment INC24.41%3.0
15Warner Music Group Corp20.60%3.0
16Planet Fitness Inc-1.95%3.0
17Everi Holdings Inc-5.27%4.0
18ALL FOR ONE Media CORP-225.15%0.0
19Major League Football INC-365.12%10.0
20Double Down Holdings Inc-411.68%4.0
21Newpoint Financial Corp-497.95%0.0
22Vivic CORP-597.83%0.0
23Table TRAC INC-665.10%-13.0
24Bravo Multinational Inc-946.26%0.0
25Scworx Corp-1114.36%2.0
26Kidoz INC-2919.90%2.0
27Rebel Group Inc-3895.88%-15.0
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend

Feature Distribution Plot

The Feature Distribution shows the main industry variables and the distribution of their impact on financial strength. The more important a variable, the broader the distribution. As the effects are calculated relative to the industry average, half of the companies have a positive effect (green) and half have a negative effect (red). 

Regression Plot

The Regression compares the forecasted company valuation with the observed stock market values. A positive correlation suggests that the model effectively explains market prices.

Feature Importance

United States Ratings

German Insurance Ratings