2022 US Petrol

Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

Top rated22 of 88
Best rating302 %
Worst rating-277 %
New companies11
Negative Economic Capital Ratio17 of 88

Sandridge Energy INC climbed 55 positions from 71 to 16 due to its excellent Net Income.Evolution Petroleum Corp lost 26 positions from 16 to 42 due to its bad Operating Expenses.California Resources Corp entered the 2022 ranking at rank 14, making it the best newcomer.

Revenues139 B
Assets409 B
Expenses126 B
Stockholders Equity267 B
Unprofitable Companies40 of 88
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend
1Dorchester Minerals L P301.91%0.0
2Energy Resources 12 L P230.30%0.0
3Mnrl Sub Inc226.74%1.0
4Continental Resources INC205.38%3.0
5Energy 11 L P193.42%10.0
6Black Stone Minerals L P190.28%2.0
7Devon Energy Corp De188.45%18.0
8Pioneer Natural Resources Co188.13%2.0
9Houston American Energy Corp186.89%21.0
10Reserve Petroleum Co186.09%3.0
11Pedevco Corp184.14%12.0
12Occidental Petroleum Corp De183.43%8.0
13STR Sub Inc171.49%1.0
14California Resources Corp170.77%0.0
15Berry Corp bry169.55%7.0
16Sandridge Energy INC168.97%55.0
17Epsilon Energy Ltd166.48%2.0
18Baytex Energy USA INC161.67%10.0
19Apache Offshore Investment Partnership157.59%-7.0
20Mexco Energy Corp155.01%-2.0
21Unit Corp151.57%0.0
22Viper Energy Inc142.63%2.0
23Magnolia Oil Gas Corp140.51%55.0
24Whiting Holdings LLC139.88%0.0
25Mewbourne Energy Partners 09 A L P136.87%36.0
26Permian Resources Corp131.38%3.0
27Vaalco Energy INC De126.74%22.0
28Civitas Resources INC121.13%-22.0
29W T Offshore INC120.62%-20.0
30Us Energy Corp120.08%0.0
31Earthstone Energy INC118.35%-10.0
32Marathon OIL Corp110.00%-1.0
33Spindletop OIL GAS Co109.05%-6.0
34Battalion OIL Corp105.46%12.0
35PHX Minerals INC104.50%-18.0
36Diamondback Energy Inc104.32%4.0
37Coterra Energy Inc101.68%-5.0
38Kimbell Royalty Partners Lp100.61%3.0
39PDC Energy INC96.68%-2.0
40Matador Resources Co93.86%4.0
41Barnwell Industries INC92.84%19.0
42Evolution Petroleum Corp89.38%-26.0
43Tellurian INC De84.71%20.0
44Apache Corp79.22%-18.0
45APA Corp70.20%0.0
46Primeenergy Resources Corp69.48%-12.0
47Chord Energy Corp69.35%0.0
48Riley Exploration Permian Inc65.04%10.0
49Ring Energy INC63.13%1.0
50Altex Industries INC62.01%-14.0
51Ovintiv Inc61.33%6.0
52Antero Resources Corp60.56%-13.0
53EQT Corp60.27%-18.0
54Tetra Technologies INC59.63%0.0
55Murphy OIL Corp58.89%-13.0
56CNX Resources Corp57.74%-23.0
57Sm Energy Co55.36%-12.0
58Callon Petroleum Co52.79%6.0
59Range Resources Corp48.55%-11.0
60Gran Tierra Energy INC36.39%5.0
61Vital Energy Inc31.17%6.0
62Hess Midstream Lp28.38%-24.0
63Talos Energy INC27.71%-16.0
64Southwestern Energy Co26.62%2.0
65Comstock Resources INC26.43%-22.0
66Empire Petroleum Corp25.20%18.0
67Northern OIL GAS INC17.32%14.0
68Viking Energy Group INC11.03%1.0
69Kosmos Energy Ltd10.90%-18.0
70PAR Pacific Holdings INC9.02%-14.0
71Petrolia Energy Corp6.79%0.0
72Riskon International Inc-7.09%-13.0
73Gulfslope Energy INC-15.80%-20.0
74Amplify Energy Corp-21.34%8.0
75Gb Sciences INC-46.44%5.0
76Blue Dolphin Energy Co-50.01%-14.0
77Laredo Oil Inc-73.30%-1.0
78Royale Energy Inc-92.15%-3.0
79Abraxas Petroleum Corp-92.16%4.0
80Evolve Transition Infrastructure Lp-108.35%-10.0
81Spirits Time International INC-137.01%0.0
82Victory Clean Energy INC-163.51%0.0
83Daybreak OIL GAS INC-178.42%2.0
84Quantum Energy INC-227.46%0.0
85Norris Industries Inc-231.23%1.0
86Tianci International Inc-241.13%0.0
87Truleum INC-269.00%2.0
88Golden Royal Development Inc-276.94%-1.0
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend

Feature Distribution Plot

The Feature Distribution shows the main industry variables and the distribution of their impact on financial strength. The more important a variable, the broader the distribution. As the effects are calculated relative to the industry average, half of the companies have a positive effect (green) and half have a negative effect (red). 

Regression Plot

The Regression compares the forecasted company valuation with the observed stock market values. A positive correlation suggests that the model effectively explains market prices.

Feature Importance

United States Ratings

German Insurance Ratings