2022 US Programming

Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

Top rated19 of 77
Best rating574 %
Worst rating-738 %
New companies26
Negative Economic Capital Ratio13 of 77

Symbolic Logic Inc climbed 24 positions from 25 to 1 due to its excellent Liabilities, Current.Synchronoss Technologies INC lost 36 positions from 13 to 49 due to its bad Liabilities, Non-Current.Microcloud Hologram Inc entered the 2022 ranking at rank 2, making it the best newcomer.

Revenues451 B
Assets665 B
Expenses346 B
Stockholders Equity459 B
Unprofitable Companies47 of 77
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend
1Symbolic Logic Inc573.65%24.0
2Microcloud Hologram Inc437.53%0.0
3Microalgo Inc432.77%0.0
4Innovative Solutions Support INC431.14%11.0
5Doubleverify Holdings Inc391.83%0.0
6IAC Inc.389.26%-4.0
7System1 Inc384.05%0.0
8Grindr Inc382.93%0.0
9Pinterest INC374.48%0.0
10Nextdoor Holdings Inc358.05%0.0
11IHS Markit Ltd357.02%-8.0
12CEVA INC345.86%-5.0
13Cyngn Inc343.83%0.0
14Truecar Inc334.43%-10.0
15Sabre Corp332.25%-5.0
16GAN Ltd325.08%0.0
17Meta Platforms Inc324.94%-11.0
18Oblong Inc323.30%-2.0
19Healthstream INC315.39%-8.0
20Match Group Inc306.75%-12.0
21Alphabet Inc289.41%-7.0
22EPAM Systems Inc281.77%-10.0
23Autoweb Inc270.51%14.0
24Cognizant Technology Solutions CORP258.80%-7.0
25Viant Technology Inc255.57%0.0
26XTI Aerospace Inc250.06%-5.0
27Bumble Inc244.80%0.0
28BTRS Holdings Inc212.75%-27.0
29Grom Social Enterprises Inc207.89%5.0
30Trubridge Inc201.75%-10.0
31Ziprecruiter INC200.25%0.0
32Vimeo Inc193.17%0.0
33Health Catalyst Inc189.67%-4.0
34Adtheorent Holding Company Inc185.73%0.0
35Everquote Inc180.52%-12.0
36Computer TASK Group INC168.23%-9.0
37Factset Research Systems Inc165.13%-11.0
38Twitter INC164.40%-16.0
39Cardlytics Inc162.72%-1.0
40Pubmatic Inc159.13%0.0
41Snap Inc150.62%-10.0
42Thoughtworks Holding Inc146.21%0.0
43Trade Desk Inc134.28%-11.0
44Perficient INC130.30%-26.0
45Rumbleon Inc125.28%0.0
46Knowbe4 Inc117.40%0.0
47Nixxy Inc116.78%0.0
48Compass Inc109.20%0.0
49Synchronoss Technologies INC107.39%-36.0
50Outbrain Inc93.24%0.0
51Momentive Global INC93.16%-15.0
52Magnite INC92.24%-19.0
53Tripadvisor Inc89.79%-23.0
54Model N INC87.10%-19.0
55Digitalocean Holdings Inc74.82%0.0
56TSR INC64.34%-15.0
57Professional Diversity Network Inc56.95%-13.0
58Switch Inc56.83%-19.0
59Rackspace Technology Inc52.23%-16.0
60Zscaler Inc49.42%-18.0
61Cyxtera Technologies Inc44.33%0.0
62Eventbrite Inc31.75%-22.0
63Alfi Inc25.37%0.0
64Kldiscovery Inc19.70%-19.0
65PROS Holdings Inc-15.67%-19.0
66Ecco Auto World Corp-81.09%0.0
67Bright Mountain Media Inc-82.79%-16.0
68Verisign INC CA-83.54%-19.0
69Glimpse Group Inc-239.67%0.0
70Sysorex Inc-258.49%-13.0
71Wewards INC-300.54%-17.0
72Leader Capital Holdings Corp-307.65%-22.0
733Forces INC-352.42%-17.0
7412 Retech Corp-492.37%-15.0
75Farmhouse INC NV-599.14%-15.0
76Gologiq Inc-601.72%0.0
77Visium Technologies INC-737.74%-19.0
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend

Feature Distribution Plot

The Feature Distribution shows the main industry variables and the distribution of their impact on financial strength. The more important a variable, the broader the distribution. As the effects are calculated relative to the industry average, half of the companies have a positive effect (green) and half have a negative effect (red). 

Regression Plot

The Regression compares the forecasted company valuation with the observed stock market values. A positive correlation suggests that the model effectively explains market prices.

Feature Importance

United States Ratings

German Insurance Ratings