2022 US Semiconductors

Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

Top rated20 of 81
Best rating520 %
Worst rating-519 %
New companies19
Negative Economic Capital Ratio16 of 81

Everspin Technologies INC climbed 38 positions from 59 to 21 due to its excellent Revenues.GSI Technology INC lost 21 positions from 23 to 44 due to its bad Research and Development.Tempo Automation Holdings Inc entered the 2022 ranking at rank 7, making it the best newcomer.

Revenues277 B
Assets558 B
Expenses219 B
Stockholders Equity369 B
Unprofitable Companies38 of 81
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend
1Techpoint Inc519.59%6.0
2Power Integrations INC493.82%1.0
3Sitime Corp443.05%24.0
4Semtech Corp419.15%5.0
5Intel Corp413.96%-1.0
6Monolithic Power Systems INC400.47%4.0
7Tempo Automation Holdings Inc385.17%0.0
8Solitron Devices INC382.34%24.0
9Kulicke Soffa Industries INC376.39%13.0
10AXT INC376.14%5.0
11Advanced Micro Devices INC374.24%-9.0
12Emcore Corp373.84%35.0
13Microchip Technology INC362.58%-7.0
14Formfactor INC359.48%4.0
15First Solar INC355.00%4.0
16Magnachip Semiconductor Corp350.97%-15.0
17Texas Instruments INC342.77%7.0
18Micron Technology INC338.88%3.0
19Allegro Microsystems INC324.30%1.0
20Photronics INC322.92%-4.0
21Everspin Technologies INC311.99%38.0
22Skyworks Solutions INC305.17%-17.0
23Marvell Technology Inc285.29%0.0
24Analog Devices INC283.47%10.0
25Qorvo Inc280.17%4.0
26Ideal Power Inc277.06%0.0
27Nvidia Corp276.19%-10.0
28Credo Technology Group Holding Ltd272.62%0.0
29Nlight INC266.05%1.0
30Ambarella INC263.32%-5.0
31Applied Materials INC De260.68%2.0
32Diodes INC DEL260.05%4.0
33Viavi Solutions INC253.50%0.0
34Guerrilla Rf Inc230.22%0.0
35Lattice Semiconductor Corp222.27%0.0
36Alpha Omega Semiconductor Ltd220.97%8.0
37Peraso Inc210.47%27.0
38Amkor Technology INC206.28%4.0
39Silicon Laboratories INC205.24%0.0
40Beam Global201.08%-12.0
41On Semiconductor Corp200.80%11.0
42Sunpower Corp192.21%0.0
43Lightpath Technologies INC189.46%-17.0
44GSI Technology INC189.04%-21.0
45Ichor Holdings LTD187.30%-7.0
46OSI Systems INC171.05%2.0
47Meta Materials INC163.52%15.0
48Maxlinear INC162.34%8.0
49Adeia Inc162.04%-14.0
50Ultra Clean Holdings Inc159.99%-13.0
51Isun INC157.41%-1.0
52Synaptics Inc147.32%-11.0
53Macom Technology Solutions Holdings Inc138.71%4.0
54Broadcom Inc133.56%-1.0
55Pixelworks INC129.63%3.0
56Applied Optoelectronics INC123.80%-5.0
57Wolfspeed INC121.21%-18.0
58CMC Materials Inc109.06%-13.0
59Kopin Corp94.94%-13.0
60Neophotonics Corp89.24%-20.0
61Enphase Energy Inc83.38%-18.0
62Smart Global Holdings Inc71.99%-7.0
63Emagin Corp53.86%-2.0
64Arteris Inc36.22%0.0
65Atomera Inc29.63%-16.0
66Shoals Technologies Group Inc-0.57%0.0
67Semileds Corp-3.09%-7.0
68Skywater Technology Inc-30.00%0.0
69FTC Solar Inc-43.06%0.0
70Quicklogic Corp-50.62%0.0
71SPI Energy Co Ltd-56.88%0.0
72Wisa Technologies INC-62.03%-4.0
73Netlist INC-127.78%0.0
74Navitas Semiconductor Corp-164.15%0.0
75Odyssey Semiconductor Technologies Inc-206.17%-6.0
76Ascent Solar Technologies Inc-207.58%-11.0
77On Track Innovations LTD-344.85%-14.0
78Rockley Photonics Holdings Ltd-361.12%0.0
79Smartkem Inc-403.70%0.0
80Resonant Inc-492.95%-14.0
81Sunhydrogen INC-518.69%-11.0
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend

Feature Distribution Plot

The Feature Distribution shows the main industry variables and the distribution of their impact on financial strength. The more important a variable, the broader the distribution. As the effects are calculated relative to the industry average, half of the companies have a positive effect (green) and half have a negative effect (red). 

Regression Plot

The Regression compares the forecasted company valuation with the observed stock market values. A positive correlation suggests that the model effectively explains market prices.

Feature Importance

United States Ratings

German Insurance Ratings