2023 US Data Processing

Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

Top rated17 of 68
Best rating198 %
Worst rating-1,745 %
New companies19
Negative Economic Capital Ratio30 of 68

Greenpro Capital Corp climbed 12 positions from 25 to 13 due to its excellent Expenses.Skillz Inc lost 29 positions from 16 to 45 due to its bad Intangible Assets.Liveramp Holdings Inc entered the 2023 ranking at rank 3, making it the best newcomer.

Revenues67.8 B
Assets155 B
Expenses70.5 B
Stockholders Equity38.5 B
Unprofitable Companies53 of 68
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend
1Repositrak Inc197.55%2.0
2Cargurus Inc184.89%2.0
3Liveramp Holdings Inc175.44%0.0
4Nerdwallet INC155.00%3.0
5Tucows INC PA126.62%0.0
6Data Storage Corp124.13%-4.0
7Onfolio Holdings Inc111.20%0.0
8E2Open Parent Holdings Inc108.14%0.0
9MSP Recovery Inc94.69%0.0
10Evertec Inc93.43%5.0
11Shutterstock Inc91.86%-2.0
12Life360 Inc91.72%0.0
13Greenpro Capital Corp90.04%12.0
14Sterling Check Corp85.76%-1.0
15Taskus Inc85.15%7.0
16Toast Inc85.03%7.0
17Marin Software INC80.78%-11.0
18Goodrx Holdings Inc78.25%-4.0
19Liberty Tripadvisor Holdings Inc78.07%-2.0
20OOMA INC70.48%0.0
21Workday Inc66.68%0.0
22QXO Inc.66.53%-10.0
23IBEX Ltd64.99%0.0
24Brightcove INC63.32%-4.0
25Livevox Holdings Inc59.07%7.0
26Cars com Inc57.25%1.0
27Verisk Analytics Inc44.77%-3.0
28DXC Technology Co40.29%0.0
29CSG Systems International INC38.12%-1.0
30Legalzoom COM INC37.10%-1.0
31Yext Inc30.38%0.0
32Clarivate PLC29.93%-21.0
33Five9 Inc24.95%3.0
34Innodata INC24.66%-8.0
35Upwork INC21.31%-1.0
36Veritone Inc18.06%4.0
37Automatic DATA Processing INC7.78%-2.0
388X8 INC DE4.63%0.0
39Natics Corp-0.19%0.0
40Sidechannel Inc-9.80%-22.0
41Playtika Holding Corp-12.98%0.0
42Kaleyra Inc-14.75%-9.0
43Pegasystems INC-15.94%-12.0
44EVmo Inc-17.14%1.0
45Skillz Inc-22.59%-29.0
46Forian Inc-27.94%-7.0
47Phunware Inc-50.49%-17.0
48Auddia INC-55.32%-7.0
49Ringcentral Inc-55.33%-11.0
50Digerati Technologies Inc-73.41%-3.0
51Thumzup Media Corp-74.10%-3.0
52Hartford Creative Group Inc-116.28%-8.0
53Beyond Commerce Inc-119.91%-4.0
54Nanthealth Inc-123.57%-12.0
55Catthis Holdings CORP-184.59%0.0
56Gofba Inc-187.19%-4.0
57D Wave Quantum Inc-195.71%0.0
58Brooqly Inc-239.84%0.0
59Mullen Automotive INC-246.99%0.0
60Crypto Co-301.45%-17.0
61Kwikclick Inc-341.03%-11.0
62Wejo Group Ltd-348.74%-16.0
63Spectral Capital Corp-356.60%-10.0
64Wally World Media Inc-382.76%0.0
65Powerdyne International INC-422.96%-14.0
66Sollensys CORP-435.96%0.0
67Applife Digital Solutions Inc-673.06%-9.0
68Nowtransit Inc-1744.62%-11.0
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend

Feature Distribution Plot

The Feature Distribution shows the main industry variables and the distribution of their impact on financial strength. The more important a variable, the broader the distribution. As the effects are calculated relative to the industry average, half of the companies have a positive effect (green) and half have a negative effect (red). 

Regression Plot

The Regression compares the forecasted company valuation with the observed stock market values. A positive correlation suggests that the model effectively explains market prices.

Feature Importance

United States Ratings

German Insurance Ratings