2023 US Programming

Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

Top rated21 of 85
Best rating465 %
Worst rating-1,530 %
New companies20
Negative Economic Capital Ratio22 of 85

Glimpse Group Inc climbed 46 positions from 69 to 23 due to its excellent Liabilities, Non-Current.Oblong Inc lost 59 positions from 18 to 77 due to its bad Net Income.Western Acquisition Ventures Corp entered the 2023 ranking at rank 1, making it the best newcomer.

Revenues481 B
Assets682 B
Expenses395 B
Stockholders Equity459 B
Unprofitable Companies62 of 85
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend
1Western Acquisition Ventures Corp464.88%0.0
2Aspen Technology Inc457.84%0.0
3Innovative Solutions Support INC408.32%1.0
4Doximity Inc405.05%0.0
5Rumble Inc403.96%0.0
6Microalgo Inc382.45%-3.0
7Match Group Inc380.04%13.0
8IAC Inc.364.86%-2.0
9Doubleverify Holdings Inc355.19%-4.0
10Adtheorent Holding Company Inc354.19%24.0
11Pinterest INC346.59%-2.0
12Nextdoor Holdings Inc332.25%-2.0
13CEVA INC327.30%-1.0
14Sabre Corp326.48%1.0
15Zoom Communications Inc325.39%0.0
16EPAM Systems Inc300.70%6.0
17Healthstream INC298.27%2.0
18Alphabet Inc280.69%3.0
19Hashicorp Inc279.90%0.0
20Cyngn Inc278.10%-7.0
21Cognizant Technology Solutions CORP267.81%3.0
22Meta Platforms Inc260.74%-5.0
23Glimpse Group Inc260.04%46.0
24TSR INC245.03%32.0
25Viant Technology Inc237.76%0.0
26Bumble Inc233.28%1.0
27Truecar Inc226.34%-13.0
28Everquote Inc224.18%7.0
29Grom Social Enterprises Inc216.30%0.0
30Computer TASK Group INC202.76%6.0
31Vimeo Inc191.73%1.0
32Cyber App Solutions Corp190.35%0.0
33Trubridge Inc180.25%-3.0
34Taboola com Ltd177.36%0.0
35Microcloud Hologram Inc176.51%-33.0
36Health Catalyst Inc160.81%-3.0
37Thoughtworks Holding Inc159.69%5.0
38Pubmatic Inc159.00%2.0
39Trade Desk Inc153.18%4.0
40ZW Data Action Technologies Inc142.17%0.0
41Perficient INC135.62%3.0
42Factset Research Systems Inc104.80%-5.0
43Synchronoss Technologies INC103.42%6.0
44Tripadvisor Inc95.53%9.0
45Model N INC89.05%9.0
46Momentive Global INC87.74%5.0
47Magnite INC75.37%5.0
48Outbrain Inc72.46%2.0
49Snap Inc68.78%-8.0
50Professional Diversity Network Inc48.76%7.0
51Compass Inc48.22%-3.0
52Eventbrite Inc41.72%10.0
53Zscaler Inc36.62%7.0
54Rumbleon Inc23.62%-9.0
55Blackboxstocks INC22.25%0.0
56XTI Aerospace Inc20.53%-30.0
57Ziprecruiter INC18.80%-26.0
58Cyxtera Technologies Inc18.34%3.0
59Rackspace Technology Inc14.16%0.0
60Digitalocean Holdings Inc5.28%-5.0
61Kldiscovery Inc4.66%3.0
62Cardlytics Inc4.28%-23.0
63Grindr Inc2.41%-55.0
64Widfit Inc-10.48%0.0
65Tanico Inc-28.10%0.0
66Gologiq Inc-29.79%10.0
67PROS Holdings Inc-36.24%-2.0
68Nixxy Inc-43.53%-21.0
69Blend Labs Inc-102.26%0.0
70Linktory Inc-109.80%0.0
71Bright Mountain Media Inc-115.45%-4.0
72Verisign INC CA-119.99%-4.0
73GAN Ltd-184.22%-57.0
74Springbig Holdings Inc-193.83%0.0
75Connexionone Corp-312.94%0.0
76Bubblr Inc-317.59%0.0
77Oblong Inc-368.86%-59.0
78Bioregenx INC-376.23%0.0
79Wewards INC-426.34%-8.0
803Forces INC-435.66%-7.0
81Jubilant Flame International Ltd-476.06%0.0
82Farmhouse INC NV-493.13%-7.0
83Visium Technologies INC-785.64%-6.0
84Leader Capital Holdings Corp-938.93%-12.0
85Titan Environmental Solutions Inc-1530.48%0.0
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend

Feature Distribution Plot

The Feature Distribution shows the main industry variables and the distribution of their impact on financial strength. The more important a variable, the broader the distribution. As the effects are calculated relative to the industry average, half of the companies have a positive effect (green) and half have a negative effect (red). 

Regression Plot

The Regression compares the forecasted company valuation with the observed stock market values. A positive correlation suggests that the model effectively explains market prices.

Feature Importance

United States Ratings

German Insurance Ratings