2024 US Brokers

Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

Top rated11 of 47
Best rating248 %
Worst rating-303 %
New companies
Negative Economic Capital Ratio

Spdr Gold Trust climbed 38 positions from 40 to 2 due to its excellent Liabilities, Current.United States 12 Month Natural Gas Fund Lp lost 20 positions from 11 to 31 due to its bad Revenues.

Revenues133 B
Assets2.23 K
Expenses123 B
Stockholders Equity301 B
Unprofitable Companies
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend
1Abrdn Gold ETF Trust248.40%28.0
2Spdr Gold Trust244.96%38.0
3Goldman Sachs Physical Gold ETF236.40%31.0
4Graniteshares Gold Trust232.41%19.0
5Abrdn Precious Metals Basket ETF Trust229.51%30.0
6Altegris Winton Futures Fund L P229.21%7.0
7Graniteshares Platinum Trust227.64%38.0
8United States Gasoline Fund Lp223.86%-4.0
9United States 12 Month Oil Fund Lp222.33%-7.0
10Abrdn Silver ETF Trust221.36%14.0
11Associated Capital Group Inc217.59%32.0
12United States Brent Oil Fund Lp216.81%-9.0
13Ceres Classic L P213.55%-5.0
14Grant Park Futures Fund Limited Partnership213.18%24.0
15United States Oil Fund Lp212.86%-14.0
16Campbell Fund Trust208.59%-7.0
17Nestor Partners202.34%-3.0
18Locorr Futures Portfolio Fund L P201.60%1.0
19Ceres Tactical Commodity L P198.98%-4.0
20SEI Investments Co196.40%26.0
21Ceres Orion L P193.65%-4.0
22Global Macro Trust193.27%-1.0
23Ceres Tactical Systematic L P189.87%-7.0
24Price T Rowe Group INC187.03%24.0
25Tradeweb Markets Inc171.91%22.0
26Forge Global Holdings Inc118.88%25.0
27Wisdomtree Inc105.41%27.0
28Piper Sandler Companies103.84%24.0
29United States Natural Gas Fund Lp83.75%-19.0
30Amplify Commodity Trust81.27%27.0
31United States 12 Month Natural Gas Fund Lp60.32%-20.0
32Nasdaq INC49.17%23.0
33BGC Group Inc38.39%28.0
34LPL Financial Holdings Inc36.32%25.0
35CME Group INC28.55%30.0
36Robinhood Markets Inc24.00%24.0
37Freedom Holding Corp23.05%25.0
38Raymond James Financial INC17.95%31.0
39Cohen Co Inc14.51%33.0
40Interactive Brokers Group Inc14.40%30.0
41Virtu Financial Inc12.86%23.0
42Siebert Financial Corp11.36%31.0
43Schwab Charles Corp11.25%32.0
44Morgan Stanley10.58%27.0
45Stonex Group Inc8.48%29.0
46Qmis TBS Capital Group Corp-140.36%33.0
47Antiaging Quantum Living Inc-302.79%31.0
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend

Feature Distribution Plot

The Feature Distribution shows the main industry variables and the distribution of their impact on financial strength. The more important a variable, the broader the distribution. As the effects are calculated relative to the industry average, half of the companies have a positive effect (green) and half have a negative effect (red). 

Regression Plot

The Regression compares the forecasted company valuation with the observed stock market values. A positive correlation suggests that the model effectively explains market prices.

Industry Index

The RealRate Industry Index shows how the financial health of the sector has evolved over time. The evolution of the index is shown for both the median and the distribution of companies. The changes in the index are shown in the lower part.

Feature Importance

United States Ratings

German Insurance Ratings