2017 DE Risk

Financial Strength Rankings using Artificial Intelligence

Top rated2 of 9
Best rating57,6 %
Worst rating5,76 %
New companies
Negative Economic Capital Ratio

The biggest company by assets, COSMOS Leben, is only ranked at place 7 whereas the smallest company, Delta Direkt Leben, is financially stronger at rank 2.

Zinszusatzreserve33,6 B
HGB-Deckungsrückstellung3,44 B
Risiko- und Übriges Ergebnis982 M
Mittlerer Tarifrechnungszins1,81 B
Aktivische Bewertungsreserven1,34 B
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend
1Dialog Leben57.61%0.0
2Delta Direkt Leben38.14%0.0
3Credit Life24.15%0.0
4InterRisk Leben18.37%0.0
5Deutsche Lebensversicherungs-AG15.62%0.0
6EUROPA Leben12.21%0.0
7COSMOS Leben8.24%0.0
8Hannoversche Leben7.25%0.0
9ERGO Direkt Leben5.76%0.0
RankCompanySealRating ValueTrend

Feature Distribution Plot

Regression Plot

United States Ratings

German Insurance Ratings

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